For nearly 30 years now, or should I say for as long as I can remember, not one day went by without Israel being in the news, either they are attacking or they are being attacked and it got to the point were I just don't bloody care anymore!
We are bombarded by news of the oppression that happens in the Gaza strip, we are told about all the countless bombings and attacks, we are even told that the well being of the whole world rests on peace between Israel (a piece of land as big as the Kruger!) and whoever they want to attack next.
It seems to me that the bloody Israelies are like a bully on the playground! But not the kind that can kick the crap out of you on its own, no sir! rather the short snotty nosed little shit that pulls your tie and jabs his finger in your eye, and when you prepare to kick him in the nuts, he points over his shoulder at his big brother and his gorilla like friends.
To take it a step further, I hate it how this little bully influences my life!
Unrest in the middle east = rise in the price of oil = higher petrol prices = higher food prices = less money in my pocket!
A couple of years ago, after the fall of Russia, some farmers got mad at each other and started throwing potatoes, immediately "Big Brother" stepped in,without diplomacy I might add, and bombed the living daylights out of them, end result, no more fighting! Now I know that "Big Brother" wont do that to the little brat, but we have engineers and the know-how, why don't we just a build a bloody wall around that whole region, throw in some weapons and see who walks out after 30 years or so?
At least it would make for interesting TV, much better than the Kardashians, we could place long term bets on the results!
Now I know that there is a lot of you that will think this man is crazy, but its not me its the bloody Israelis, they defend a piece of land that they got after a world war, and nobody knows why?, they protect a city that has more Muslim and Christian relics in it than Jewish!
For a country of about 7.6mil people they sure have nerve, we have more people than that on Boxing Day on Durban beach. If you look at the facts the true aggressor here is the Bully, since we started counting in 1987, 7978 Palestinians died, of which 1620 where children under 16, while on the other hand 1503 Israeli 's died, 142 of those being children!
I don't know who is right or wrong, all I know is that I would be extremely pissed off if someone takes may land from me and calls it "Defensive Action" and the rest of the fools just follow.
I am sick of people taking sides in this matter purely on the basis of naivety! The action required in that region should be based on an economic platform, we (the rest of the world) should sit these kids down and spank their buts, no more talking, otherwise they will still be in the news in 30 years, fighting, no I mean the type of spanking you got as a kid when you lied to your parents, or they caught you smoking! Trade embargoes, sanctions, UN resolutions! Let the Israelis eat their own dates!
What happened (or is happening) in Israel is the same as what happened in South Africa, a minority tried to take a country from the indigenous people, they divided the country into small pockets (homelands) and oppressed the people, the people got sick and tired of this and revolted and the rest of the world helped. What do think would have happened if we build walls around the Ciskei, Transkei etc? So why don't we "help" with the situation in Israel!, why don't we support the oppressed?
According to some, we have a moth till the end of the earth, if they have their calculation right this time, so do you really what to spend the last month listening to the news and hearing about children dying and bombs exploding?
Nope, I'm done. The rest of the world can make fun, they can support who they want on this matter, all I want is for the petrol price to drop, tsunamis to stay away from the South Coast and no more news!
Till next time.