Wednesday 10 September 2014

Cooking Frogs

If nothing changes, then everything stays the same.
If a tree falls in the woods, and there is nobody to hear it, does it make a sound?

This must be the first time in my life that I sit down to write something and its a struggle to get my thoughts down on paper!
Can it be the fact that I'm seriously annoyed with the political situation in the country, or for that matter in the world?
Can it be the global economic situation?
Can it be that people sell their soles to the highest bidder?
Can it be that I'm just not interested in the world around me anymore?

I cannot answer any of these questions truthfully, I just know that its more difficult to really stimulate the grey matter.
Nothing in the world is a surprise anymore, nothing shocks us anymore, we take everything for granted, if a natural catastrophe hits we say, "that's not surprising the Bible warns about it", or "that's not surprising, geologists predicted that it will happen". If a person is murdered in his house we say "that's not surprising what do expect living in South Africa". If a child goes on the rampage in an American school we say "that's not surprising, what do they expect with such lax gun control measures", and so I can carry on about things that just does not surprise us anymore, things that would have shocked the living daylights out of us a few years ago, just doesn't do it for anymore.

We have become so accustomed to the world we live in that our morals have degenerated to such an extend that within a decade or two from now, we will not be able to distinguish between right or wrong, fact or fiction (OK actually I'm 10 years to late, its already happening)!
If we don't like the sound of something we "change the real meaning of the author" or we just say "that should not be taken literally, but be seen in context", I'm not going to mention examples, I'll leave that to you go and do some sole searching and see how the frogs are being cooked.
Small changes that is made to society and the things that we are used too. Take the example of a simple tomato, its still red, it still has pips but have you really tasted it in recent times, or so called "fresh milk" that lasts more that a week in the fridge! Come on really!

I am fortunate enough to live within 5 km of a functioning dairy farm and we started buy our milk and cheese there about a month ago. Yesterday my youngest asked what is wrong with the milk, I smelled it, and low-and-behold the milk went sour! She is 11 and for the first time she saw milk that has gone off!, because the other "fresh milk" never went sour. Now the question, did we really drink fresh milk all these years? What do they add or remove from the milk to make it last that long? Is it healthy?
I don't know, all I know is that its time to re-evaluate our truths.

Till next time.

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